A few reporters have felt the wrath of newly famous Gabourey Sidibe. We know people lose their humility when they get famous but this chick?? Bitch Please!
What she said under the cut.
Jonathan Capehart writes in the Washington Post that he had been a big fan of Gabby's and was looking forward to meeting her, but she was "mean" to him:
I was thrilled to spot her at a table laughing uproariously with the man sitting to her right. "I know you're having a good time and I'm sorry to interrupt," I began. My next sentence didn't come out because Sidibe shouted over the din, "Yeah, come back in five minutes!" Thinking she was joking, I laughed and pretended to walk away. When I noticed that the look in her eyes meant she was serious, I walked back to her and said, "I just wanted to congratulate you on your nomination. I thought your performance was spectacular. I even wrote a column about it." After wishing her good luck, I rejoined my friends.
Back at the table, I sheepishly related the incident to my colleague Jo-Ann Armao. "Oh! She's horrible," Armao said in her wonderfully blunt way. She told me that she saw Sidibe at the pre-cocktails and told her that she'd seen "Precious" three times (an amazing emotional feat that only adds to my awe of Armao) and that she thought Sidibe's performance was "incandescent." What was Sidibe's response? "I guess I should say, 'Thank you.'"
Back at the table, I sheepishly related the incident to my colleague Jo-Ann Armao. "Oh! She's horrible," Armao said in her wonderfully blunt way. She told me that she saw Sidibe at the pre-cocktails and told her that she'd seen "Precious" three times (an amazing emotional feat that only adds to my awe of Armao) and that she thought Sidibe's performance was "incandescent." What was Sidibe's response? "I guess I should say, 'Thank you.'"
Later at the MSNBC after party, Capehart writes that a fan approached Gabby for a picture and she refused him. Mediabistro.com also reports that on Saturday night the 'Precious' star was anything but:
When asked for a picture, the less-than-enthused newbie star could barely crack a smile. One photo-seeking fan said jokingly, "that's all you're going to give me," to the pouty Precious. Gabby responded, "you'll get what I give you."
Later in the evening FishbowlDC overheard a Politico reporter asking Gabby for a quick interview. Gabby replied, "one question" and then proceeded to give the reporter a one-word answer. When asked a follow up question, not-so-Precious said, "sounds like three questions, good night."
Later in the evening FishbowlDC overheard a Politico reporter asking Gabby for a quick interview. Gabby replied, "one question" and then proceeded to give the reporter a one-word answer. When asked a follow up question, not-so-Precious said, "sounds like three questions, good night."
Via HuffPost
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